Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



The United States is an internally peaceful country where all races, nationalities, religions and both genders live in peace. The reason is simple, the United States is a nation of laws. The law is the foundation of its internal peace.

In addition, the United States and its citizens file lawsuits in countries all over the world. The United States believes in the law.

With that being said, the United States does not believe the Palestinians are worthy of using the courts.

There are untold numbers of Jewish lawyers in the United States. And professors of law in the top Universities in the United States. Yet the United States believes that the Palestinians have no right to access international law.

This is so two faced by the United States that it takes any thinking person's breath away and leaves the dumbfounded.

Now to enforce its will of no law for the Palestinians the great legal mind "Senator Lindsey Graham" is about to introduce legislation to stop million of dollars of aid to Palestine to force it to back off of exercising its legal rights in the international courts. This is in line with the Israeli's withholding tax monies it collects for the Palestinians.

Next Senator Graham will propose legislation to ban all Palestinians entry into the United States and for those who are here legally, they will be banned from working for US companies. And it will be legal to let with work without pay.

So what now? we starve the Palestinians into submission. How much abuse must the Palestinians suffer at the hands of the Israeli's and the United States.

There is no thinking person on the planet when presented with these facts can support the actions of the United States and Israel to deny the Palestinians access to International law..

What next? Is the West Bank going to start firing rockets into Isreal and the Zionist begin to bomb into oblivion more Palestinian like they just did in Gaza?

Where there is no justice there is going to be chaos and anarchy.

It is impossible to respond to these anti Peace actions by the United States.

This seems not only to be an effort to demean the Palestinians as a people but also to demean their religion and even their race.

It is slavery from the United States' history and apartheid applied by, of all people, a Black President who aleges that he knows about racism in America.

Tell me Mr. Obama were the Black rioters of the Civil Rights era terrorists? Were they kept from the courts the way they were kept from the polls?

Tell me Mr. Obama, as a lawyer, how can you have contempt for International Law. The law is meant to avert lawlessness. If you deny the law there is no other alternative but rebellion, chaos, murder and terrorism?

Tell me Mr. Obama is starvation justified in keeping Palestinians out of the International Criminal Court.

Tell me Mr. Obama, why do you think you received that Nobel Peace Prize?

Tell me Mr. Obama, you are hesitant to engage in more wars, and yet you are ready to create a war in Palestine.

If the Palestinians are going to be denied the law, what access to justice are you going to allow them Mr President?

Dr John WorldPeace

150120 1435 MT 


Israel lobbies foreign powers to cut ICC funding

JERUSALEM Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:17am EST

Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman gives a statement to the media at his Jerusalem office December 2, 2014. REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun

(Reuters) - Israel is lobbying member-states of the International Criminal Court to cut funding for the tribunal in response to its launch of an inquiry into possible war crimes in the Palestinian territories, officials said on Sunday.

ICC prosecutors said on Friday they would examine "in full independence and impartiality" crimes that may have occurred since June 13 last year. This allows the court to delve into the war between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza in July-August 2014 that killed more than 2,100 Palestinians and 70 Israelis.

The decision came after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in the absence of peace talks and against strong opposition from Israel and the United States, requested ICC membership, which comes into effect on April 1.

Israel, which like the United States does not belong to the ICC, hopes to dent funding for the court that is drawn from the 122 member-states in accordance with the size of their economies, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday.

"We will demand of our friends in Canada, in Australia and in Germany simply to stop funding it," he told Israel Radio.

"This body represents no one. It is a political body," he said. "There are a quite a few countries - I've already taken telephone calls about this - that also think there is no justification for this body's existence."

He said he would raise the matter with visiting Canadian counterpart John Baird on Sunday.

Another Israeli official told Reuters that a similar request was sent to Germany, traditionally one of the court's strongest supporters, and would also be made to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is separately visiting Jerusalem and whose nation is the largest contributor to the ICC.

Islamist group Hamas, which is deemed a terrorist group by Israel and the West, on Saturday welcomed the ICC inquiry and said it was prepared to provide material for complaints against the Jewish state.

(Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Ralph Boulton)


SOURCE: The Independent

Palestine could 'lose millions in US aid' if they sue Israel in ICC, senator warns

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Palestine could have millions of dollars of crucial American aid withdrawn if they attempt to use their newly-acquired membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC) to sue Israel for alleged atrocities carried out during the last conflict, a Republican senator has warned.

Senator Lindsey Graham said existing US legislation “would cut off aid to the Palestinians if they filed a complaint.” The US has already hinted that using the ICC to pursue Israel would hinder the aspirations of Palestinian people for statehood. Its follows more than 40 rejections for the Palestinians' bid for self-determination made since 1975.

At a news conference in Jerusalem, Mr Graham called the prospect of mounting a lawsuit against Israel a “bastardising of the role of the ICC” adding: “I find it incredibly offensive."

"We will push back strongly to register our displeasure. It is already part of our law that would require us to stop funding if they actually bring a case," said Mr Graham, of South Carolina.

The Obama administration has said it does not believe Palestine is a sovereign state and therefore does not qualify to be part of the ICC, but has not explicitly threatened to withhold aid. Mr Graham’s language is some of the most bullish since Palestine made its claim to become the 123rd state to join the ICC late last year.

Any cut in US funds would place immense strain. The US supplies more than $400 million (£265 million) annually to the Palestinian Authority, while Israel has recently frozen a monthly transfer of some $120 million (£75m) in tax revenues it collects for the Palestinians.

Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour has previously said it was seeking to raise alleged “crimes” committed by Israel, including during last summer's war in Gaza.

He has said Palestine would seek justice for Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory adding that it constitutes "a war crime" under the Rome statute.

The suggestions have been condemned by Israel and the United States as unilateral steps that undermine diplomacy, which has made little progress in years and collapsed most recently last year.

Mr Graham urged the Palestinians to re-evaluate ICC membership, saying he supported their aspirations for statehood but opposed joining the court as a "provocative step" against Israel.

The International Criminal Court was created to prosecute individual perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Joining the ICC is part of a broader Palestinian strategy to pressure Israel into withdrawing from the territories and agreeing to Palestinian statehood.

President Mahmoud Abbas has has been under heavy domestic pressure to take stronger action against Israel after last summer’s 50-day war between the Jewish state and militants in Gaza, tensions over holy sites in Jerusalem, and the failure of the last round of US-led peace talks.