Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



Chelsea Handler seems to be determined to show her breasts (and nipples) in public. She says what is good for men is good for women.

The reality is that if all women went bare breasted it would not be a taboo and within a few weeks only a few perverts would notice. Pictures of a star's breasts and more importantly their nipples sell for a whole lot of money. So there is an economic reason to not allow bare female breasts in public which will cause over exposure and a significant devaluation of nude photos..

And there is the Christian ethic of Puritanism and control by the church. That control begins on page 3 of the Jewish Book of Genesis in which the anthropomorphic God Yahweh allegedly states to Eve (the archetypal woman), "I will greatly multiply your pain at childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you"

And how many little girls when they first heard that at the age of 4-5 raised their hand and complained.

So in the patriarchal Jewish religion is where this control and subordination of women got started and was adopted by Christians as well as the Muslims. So half the world's population has a God based foundation for the subordination of women worldwide.

Now Chelsea steps up about 3500 years after this dictate was written by Moses and says enough. I am going to show my breasts and nipples to the world and what are you going to do about it?

In this world, it takes a super strong woman to go to that extreme. The temporary embarassment is nothing compared to the ongoing attempt to use whatever means to stop her. There is too much at stake not to. Her acts send fear through the entire world male population who ask if they let this continue the next thing women will want is equal pay. The Taliban and ISIS just stone women like Chelsea or maybe they would cut off Chelsea's breasts.

My art (Dr John WorldPeace Art) uses women as archetypal symbols of creativity and they are placed in their dreamscapes naked because clothing would not make sense. But because of the naked breast and naked bottom that really reveal no genitals, people are afraid of my art. Or they are just not ready for it. The nudity in my paintings which is not sensual blocks many from actually seeing the art. It blocks them from hearing the same message the Chelsea is broadcasting. "Equality for Women in the world human society because anything less is an ongoing impediment to WorldPeace. It is like when I am saying something important and use a curse word even of the weakest nature, and people just stop listening and become totally focused on the curse word.

The bottom line here is about undeniable control of half the world human population by men. It is about women's equality. It is about the subordination of women worldwide which is an impediment to peace that permeates other contra peace concepts of racial, religious and national prejudice.

Chelsea should be embraced by every woman in the world who is tired of being a second class citizen who should go the next step beyond the bra burning of the 60's and strip off the blouse too.

There are a lot of male supported glass ceilings barring women from equality. But this core issue of sexuality is a huge barrier to equal rights for women whose most fervent support is religious based and will mark a watershed moment when it is permanently discarded.

A standing ovation for Chelsea Handler.

Dr John WorldPeace
141229 08:30 MT

News/ Chelsea Handler Puts Bare Breasts on Display in Cold, Snowy Instagram Pic

by Jenna Mullins Fri., Dec. 26, 2014 4:51 PM PST

It's not just the surrounding snow that's telling us how cold the temperature must be in Chelsea Handler's latest Instagram pic.

The comedienne posted a photo of herself dressed head to toe in cold weather gear while standing on a snowy mountain…except she's missing a shirt! Her bare breasts are on full display while Handler peers off into the distance and we must say, we're freezing just looking at her!

"I lost chunk on the mountain," she writes, referencing her beloved dog. It looks like the 39-year-old is standing in front of a helicopter and her friends in the background seem to care very little about the fact that's she got her boobs out, basically framed by her backpack.

MORE: Check out other celebs' Instagrams on our E! Instagram Wall

This is not the first time Chelsea has shown off her lovely lady bits on Instagram. This past October, she posted a picture of herself riding topless on a horse to imitate Vladimir Putin's infamous bare-chested, horseback photo. But Instagram removed Chelsea's post three different times.

"Taking this down is sexist. I have every right to prove I have a better body than Putin," she ranted. "If a man posts a photo of his nipples, it's ok, but not a woman? Are we in 1825? If instagram takes this down again, you're saying Vladimir Putin Has more 1st amendment rights than me. Talk to your bosses."