Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



America kills the Palestinian statehood in the United Nations. And in return Zionist settlers attack a U S Convoy looking into settler abuse of Palestinians farmers.

This kind of action is nothing more that the Zionist biting the hand that supports them. It tends to indicate the contempt the Zionist have for even their friends.

Dr John WorldPeace

150113 2400 

SOURCE: The Slatest

U.S. Diplomats Attacked by Jewish Settlers in the West Bank

By Elliot Hannon

A group of U.S. diplomats was attacked by Jewish settlers in the West Bank on Friday. Several settlers threw rocks at U.S. consular officials who were investigating Palestinian claims of damage done to local villagers’ crops by the settlers. “The nearby Palestinian village of Turmus Ayya reported this week that thousands of recently-planted olive saplings had been uprooted by local settlers in recent weeks,” BuzzFeed reports.

The confrontation took place after the convoy of U.S. officials arrived near the Jewish settlement Adi Ad. Here’s more from the Times of Israel:

When the American visitors arrived and exited their vehicles, a number of settlers pelted them with rocks. This led security guards to draw their weapons. The consulate staff promptly left the scene, ending the incident without anyone being hurt. The rocks caused some light damage to consulate cars.

“In October 2013, an Israeli NGO accused police of ‘miserably failing’ to protect Palestinian olive groves in the West Bank from vandalism, producing just a handful of indictments in over 200 documented cases of tree destruction over the past nine years,” the Times of Israel reports.

SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post

Washington ‘deeply concerned’ at attack by stone-throwing settlers

A State Department spokesman in Washington said US authorities are “deeply concerned” about an incident in which Jewish settlers threw stones at vehicles from the US Consulate in Jerusalem carrying officials who came to inspect vandalism to Palestinian-owned trees in the West Bank on Friday.

“We can confirm a vehicle from the Consulate General was pelted with stones and confronted by a group of armed settlers today in the West Bank, near the Palestinian village of Turmus Aiya,” said the US State Department spokesman, according to AFP.

An Israel Police spokeswoman said the delegation arrived at the Adei Ad outpost in US diplomatic cars without first having coordinated the visit with the Israeli authorities. The purpose of the trip was to inspect trees that had been uprooted in what their Palestinian owners suspect was vandalism by Jewish settlers, she said.

“Rocks were thrown at them by residents of Adei Ad. We are investigating.

Arrests have yet to be made,” the spokeswoman said. She said she did not know of any damage to the vehicles and had no further information on the delegates’ identities.

An area resident who did not want to be named told The Jerusalem Post that the Adei Ad residents did not know the that the convoy was American and did not want to attack a US convoy. He said the Adi Ad residents believed the cars belonged to Palestinians, who they feared had come to harm their small community of some 40 families, located near the Shiloh settlement in the Binyamin region of the West Bank.

Just last week, he said, there was an incident when Palestinians tried to enter the community.

What residents saw on Friday were two large cars and some Palestinians walking near them, and assumed that this was the start of an attack, the resident said.

Then two armed men got out of the vehicle wearing sunglasses and pointed guns at the residents, he said, adding that the settlers believed the Palestinians had sought to provoke an incident by bringing the convoy close to the community.

He also dismissed charges that olive trees had been destroyed.

Asked about this account, the police spokeswoman said: “We have no indication that anyone in the US delegation brandished weapons.”