Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



So we now hear of the first big PAC "Right to Rise PAC". It means that this is going to be another multi billion dollar buy the vote with slick ads and lots of media presenting a sterilized version of the candidates. We are headed for the best president that money can buy. We are headed for people voting for the best commercial by votes for the candidate.

The assumption is that the Democrats have as much money as the Republicans.

Well, we are going to see with my candidacy just what the internet can do when going head to head with big PAC's and giant staffs of vote solicitors.

The way that campaign finance is presently structured is based on the belief that the presidency can be bought.

We will see.

Dr John WorldPeace

150106 1310 


Eye on 2016, Jeb Bush Launches 'Right to Rise' PAC

In yet another sign of his apparent preparations for a 2016 run, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has officially launched a new fundraising organization called the "Right To Rise PAC."

In a short video on Facebook and Instagram — in both English and Spanish language versions — the Florida Republican describes the group as "a PAC to support candidates that support conservative principles to allow all Americans to rise up."

The group also has a new website — RightToRisePAC.org — to solicit donations and outline its mission.

"We believe passionately that the Right to Rise — to move up the income ladder based on merit, hard work and earned success — is the central moral promise of American economic life," reads one page of the new site. "We are optimists who believe that America's opportunities have never been greater than they are right now. But we know America is falling short of its promise."

Bush — who announced that he would be forming a new leadership PAC when he said he was "actively exploring" a run for president last month — is slated to hold a fundraising event in Greenwich, Connecticut, this week.

Bush cited the phrase "Right to Rise" in a 2011 Wall Street Journal op-ed.

- Carrie Dann and Mark Murray