Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



This is a ridiculous situation. All of America is overweight. It did not used to be so. When I was a kid most people were relatively thin. The girl in the ad would not have been considered anorexic.

Advertisers cannot show off underwear when it is covered up by rolls of fat.

From a national health stand point thin is better than obese.

The fact that Urban Outfitters was forced into submission over this issue is astounding to me.

America, the land of the frivolous lawsuit.

Dr John WorldPeace

150106 0915 MT 

Urban Outfitters Forced To Remove ‘Irresponsible’ Thigh Gap Image

By Alicia Adejobi On January 6, 2015

The ASA said it sent an unhealthy message to women

Urban Outfitters have been forced to remove an image on their website of a model with a noticeably large thigh gap after the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) concluded that it was “irresponsible” and promoted an unhealthy message.

The high street fashion store used the photo, which shows the bottom half of the female model wearing a pair of polka dot mesh knickers, to advertise their underwear range on the British version of their website. However, one person felt the model was “unhealthily thin” and filed a complaint with the ASA who have now completed their investigation.

This is the image Urban Outfitters have been ordered to ban (UrbanOutfitters.com)

In their report, the ASA states that Urban Outfitters “did not believe she was underweight” but that it was "common practice to use slim models in the underwear industry" and thought she “had a naturally tall and slim physique.” This explanation was refuted by the board though, who concluded that the model was "very thin, and… in particular, that there was a significant gap between the model's thighs, and that her thighs and knees were a similar width. We considered that the model looked underweight in the picture."

Urban Outfitters is considered to be a brand aimed at young customers and the ASA say the image was "likely to impress upon that audience,” who may have seen it as “something to aspire to,” reiterating that it was “irresponsible.” The image must now be removed although, at time of press, it is still available on the website. There is, however, another option of the same knickers but in the colour black, featuring a model with her legs closed together.

The knickers are also available in black but this model has no visible thigh gap (UrbanOutfitters.com)

Agreeing with the ASA’s decision is Jo Swinson, Minister for Women and Equalities, who told the Mail Online: "Given the worrying rates of eating disorders especially among young people, I applaud the Advertising Standards Authority for encouraging positive body image, and for taking steps to ensure that retailers comply with this. I hope that Urban Outfitters remove these images, and that other retailers take note of these unacceptable images."