Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



The President was right in not sending anyone to the gathering in Paris. For any terrorist operating in Paris all the heads of state present would have made for a very dangerous situation.

Assassinations in history have proven that there is no way to stop a determined terrorist/assassin.

Dr John WorldPeace

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Fox’s Ed Henry Confronts Earnest: Why Didn’t You Send Someone to Paris?

by Tina Nguyen | 2:31 pm, January 12th, 2015

After White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that the White House should have sent someone with a “higher profile” to march in this weekend’s solidarity demonstration in France, Ed Henry of Fox News seized the moment.

After an increasingly heated back-and-forth on the upcoming Summit on Countering Violent Extremism (which Henry argued should just be known as the Summit on Countering Islamic Extremism), Henry went back to Earnest’s statement: “You said that we should have sent someone with a higher profile than the [French] Ambassador. Question: Why didn’t you?”

“We want to try to mitigate the impact the security precautions would have on those attending the public event,” Earnest said, citing the fact that the outdoor march came together with only 36 hours’ notice, and that the security required to protect a high-level American official would have distracted from the march.

“Of course, the President’s safety is of the utmost importance, you don’t want to distract,” Henry acknowledged. “But then how do you explain the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? He made it there. He’s a huge target, unfortunately.” In fact, Henry added, “dozens” of leaders were there, leading to another back-and-forth about security, Nelson Mandela’s funeral, what Eric Holder was doing if not marching, and what Obama himself was doing on Sunday — a question Earnest had no answer for.