VIDEO: Who is Dr John WorldPeace?



It is time for Israel to elect a new Prime Minister. Mr Netanyahu is a rabid Zionist ready to start a war with Iran and create trouble first and negotiate second. Never willing to apologize to anyone. The Middle East is locked in chaos with no clear view as to how it is all going to work out. What we know is that Mr. Netanyahu likes chaos so he can moronically repeat how desperate Israel is to defend itself. 132 Nuclear bombs is not enough.

Mr. Natanyahu is the tail trying to wag the dog. Always.

And it is getting old.

The United States is not going to let Israel disappear but it is also not going to let Israel, Mr Netanyahu, manipulate the President. I think the time is coming when President Obama is going to do something to put Israel on notice with a reality check that is probably going to stun Israel.

It will be Mr. Netanyahu who will have to shoulder the blame for repeatedly talking to the President of the United States as his equal as opposed to the Prime minister of a postage stamp country.

The Christians have a deep respect for the land of Jesus. And since Jesus was a Jew, Christians accept Jews as close family. But America is not as Christian as it used to 60 years ago. The world is a global village now and all religions worldwide have a voice and a presence. And all religions are losing the absolute power they had in their various regions of the world. I think Mr Netanyahu sees being the leader of the Chosen People in Israel gives him an equal ranking with the President of the United States.

The world is becoming more and more secular. And Americans are absolutely war weary. So much American blood has been emptied on foreign soil that it is giving Americans a time of reflection. The cost of all these wars is taking its toll in money and the fact that every since World War I there has been a significant cadre of Veterans of foreign wars in society. For over a hundred years foreign wars have kept deceased and disabled veterans in the public mind. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan did not end well if you can even say they ended at all.

The ultimate backlash from Mr. Natanyahu would be a Palestinian State. And I have no doubt it is coming soon. America cannot continue to openly deny justice to the Palestinians. America cannot continue to support an Apartheid state; especially one that seems to be moving more and more to a psuedo Theocracy very similar to Iran in political structure.

If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.

I am the self designated WorldPeace Advocate, but who is the most dedicated American to freedom, justice and democracy within the borders of the United States and who wants that politcal reality applied to the rest of the world. Justice is the key to increasing the peace in the world human society, not the military.

Dr John WorldPeace

150122 1200 MT 

SOURCE: Reuters

Israel's Netanyahu says to address U.S. Congress in March on Iran

By Jeffrey Heller

JERUSALEM Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:43am EST

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday he will address the U.S. Congress during a March visit likely to drive home differences with the Obama administration over whether to impose additional sanctions on Tehran.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's invitation on Wednesday to Netanyahu - whose relationship with President Barack Obama has been acrimonious - had drawn criticism from the White House, which said it had not been consulted.

Shortly before Netanyahu's formal acceptance of the invitation, Israel's Mossad intelligence chief publicly closed ranks with the right-wing prime minister - denying in a rare press statement reports that he opposed further sanctions on Iran while world powers negotiate with the Islamic Republic on limits to its disputed nuclear program.

On his Twitter page, Boehner said the Congressional address was scheduled for March 3 - exactly two weeks before Israel's general election in which Netanyahu is vying for a fourth term.

Netanyahu's office said the Israeli leader would also attend the March 1-3 annual policy conference in Washington of the prominent pro-Israel AIPAC lobby.

Netanyahu has long faced opposition from Israeli security chiefs to unilateral military action against Iran; they fear it could lead to protracted conflict and severe damage to Israel.


Netanyahu, who has frequently clashed with Obama over the Iranian issue and Jewish settlement on occupied territory that Palestinians seek for a state, has accused the president of making too many concessions to Tehran for too little in return.

The Democratic president has said he would veto Iran sanctions legislation in the works in Congress because it could undermine the chances of a nuclear settlement with Tehran.

Resistance from Mossad chief Tamir Pardo to new sanctions could have weakened what is expected to be a Netanyahu call to U.S. lawmakers for tougher economic penalties against Iran.

"The head of the Mossad stressed (in a meeting last week with visiting U.S. senators) that the exceptional effectiveness of the sanctions imposed on Iran in recent years are what brought Iran to the negotiating table," the statement said.

In the absence of strong pressure, it added, "the Iranians will make no meaningful compromises".

Israeli political commentators portrayed Boehner's invitation as either a Republican attempt to give Netanyahu a boost in the election campaign or an Israeli bid to meddle in U.S. politics - or both.

Some analysts said however that a third Netanyahu address to Congress would have little impact on Israelis long accustomed to his oratory skills in English on the international stage.

His main challenger in what polls show is a neck-and-neck race, Labour Party chief Isaac Herzog, cautioned against further straining Netanyahu's relations with Obama.

"We need the president on our side, day and night, on so many sensitive and important issues," Herzog said.

In his statement, Netanyahu appeared to try to smooth over any ruffled feathers at the White House.

He said he was "honored to accept the invitation" and that would use the speech "to thank President Barack Obama, Congress and the American people for their support of Israel".

(Additional reporting by Maayan Lubell; Editing by Mark Heinrich)