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Lethal Mini Drones HAVE ARRIVED


A drone landed on the White House lawn a few days ago and the News has not picked up on the reality of what that meant.

Thank God it was not armed and did not harm President Obama or his family or anyone else. But this is another incident that proves the President is not totally safe in the White House. Not to mention the fourth 911 jet was headed to take out the White House. The White House needs to turned into a museum and the President needs to be moved to a specially built bunker. The White House is too open and indefensible to remain a working office and home for the President of the United States.

First, let me give my credentials for this commentary. I was raised in Texas right after WWII. I was born in 1948. Lots of ex soldiers in the neighborhood. Texas is a place where in my childhood almost every native born Texan owned a gun, one that was handed down or one they bought..

One of my friend's father showed him how to take a few 1 x 4's, hinge them together, nail on one side, shotgun shell on the other, throw it and when it landed it would throw splinters everywhere. My uncle loaded his own shotgun shells and my cousin experimented with pipe bombs. He had the pipe, the threader, the caps, the gun power, the lead shot, and most important of all fire crackers. He would make his pipe bombs, put some glass bottles on one side of a driveway culvert, the pipe bomb on the other end, light it and see all the resulting broken glass. He was about 12 I think. I would not get around him when he was doing this because I was afraid the compression of putting the caps on the pipe would ignite the gun powder. Not to mention dropping a tool and creating a spark. This only lasted a month or so and I never heard him talk about it again.

Move forward to 1970 and I am drafted into the U S Army and for 11 months trained in the infantry. I learned about 45's, grenade launchers, M-30 Machine guns, 50Cal machine guns, LAW rocket launcher, mines and Claymore mines, C-4, molotov cocktails, booby traps, TOW anti tank weapons, M-16, AK-47 and all kinds of other home made destructive devices that the Veit Cong were using. Now the Iraqi's found a way to blow up vehicles with homemade roadside bombs (IEDs).

So the point is that I did not have to do any research about bulding effective devices to inflict bodily harm. It was around me as a kid and the Army taught me more than I really wanted to know. In fact, they forced the training on me. Multi-Millions of Americans have this knowledge.

In addition, I flew model airplanes as a kid and now model RC airplanes are replaced by RC (radio controlled) Drones and incredibly what were toys now have to be controlled by the FAA..


Now we have some fool dropping a Drone on the White House lawn. Or maybe he is a terrorist acting innocent. A government employee of all things. The White House is vulnerable to low tech Drone attacks. And more importantly, anyone is subject to being harmed. In this world everyone is undeniably at the least potentiall collateral damage.

The United States has shown the whole world how to sit at CIA headquarters or the Pentagon and fly very high tech assassin drones anywhere in the world. But this is high tech unlimited government money that finances these drones.

Now consider this, someone buys a little drone with a 2 pound payload. He takes that drone and attaches some shotgun shells. Say about 6 which should be about 2 pounds with a release mechanism.

Now going back to childhood, at that time we could buy these little metal rockets about 2 inches in length, unscrew the cap, insert a round cap, close it, throw it into the air, it would come down on the concrete and the cap would pop. Those were the toys for boys in the fifties.

OK. so make a little cap to fit over the firing cap of a shotgun shell, throw up the shotgun shell and when it hits the ground it explodes with a potentially lethal effect.

So we take our modified shotgun shells, attach what is now a little bomb capable of killing or hurting someone real bad, to our drone, fly over a crowded place and release the little bombs.

Now as a relevant example, lets consider a Palestinian living in Gaza. They have wasted all those millions of dollars on rockets that are pretty worthless. Well take $10 million and buy some drones and shotgun shells and build these very low tech drones I just described.

Then go to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and launch your drones and rain shotgun shells down on the Jews.

Guess what? You can't stop a low tech drone. You can't defend against a drone flying over at about 1500 feet. You can't hear it and you can't see it if painted right. And it can't be shot down because it can turn on a dime and change altitude to fast.

So the Zionist send over high tech expensive artillery and drones and with pin point accuracy demolish buildings, UN relief centers, housing projects, homes and so on. Not to mention civilians.

Then the Palestinians get their drone force armed as above and rain unstoppable mini hell all over Israel until they even up the body count. HELLO. TIME TO WAKE UP. It takes some time but all of a sudden the playing field between Zionist and poor Palestinians is even. DID YOU GET THAT. The Isreali's have no advantage in a low tech drone war. They are at a disadvantage.

And there could be a real cottage industry assembling drones in Palestine, which are just low tech model airplanes and shotgun shell bombs. The range of drones can be significanly increased with relay stations planted in the drones operating area.

Now expand your thinking a bit. With the cheap high tech electronics you can have say 10 confederates with controllers all on the same frequency for the drone. The drone flies in, drops its little bombs and then flies away toward controller #2 who connects with it and sends it on to controller #3 until the drone is far way and untraced and good for another bomb run.

Or you could build a little AWAC mother ship with about 10 little drones under its control. So 10 mini AWACs and 10 drones that is a force of 100 little drone bombers over a stadium with tens of thousands of people crowded next to each other. What then? You can't stop a 100 mini drones. People will die and get hurt real bad.

Or you could target some high level politician and have your little drone carry a second drone with a camera so it could be remotely controlled and guided right onto the head of anyone below. Fly it right into someone's pocket. LITERALLY.

Now back to the White House. After this drone incident, can the President really afford to have anymore outdoor events? Can he afford to live and work at the White House? I think those days are gone.

What are we going to do. Put a dome over the White House. Put a net over the White House supported by Blimps?

And I did not mention dropping Sarin gas. Biologicals. Get the picture.

And now what does the battlefield look like. It looks like part three of the Matrix where there was a killer drone for every human.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk3Z-MVoUg4 ) No soldier can avoid a drone. 1000 soldiers on a battlefield and 2000 drones. The soldiers look up and see a swarm of low tech drones coming at them. None would survive.

Think about one large Military cargo plane flying over a battle field dropping thousands of drones or smart bombs if you will.

How effective would a Taliban drone force be against a little American outpost in Afghanistan?

Truly any person of significance would be foolish to ever walk around outside. Think about it. Anyone can be a target right now. The technology is there. Recreational drones are flooding the market and in America shotgun shells are as easy to get as a candy bar.

Or you could imagine someone making on five pound pipe bomb. And Amazon is working on drone delivery. What is going to be the payload of those drones. And what about hacking/highjacking Amazon drones for shipment overseas. The terrorist don't even have to buy any drones, they can just highjack them. And the best as well.

And then there are those 3D printers?

All of a sudden for those who are paying attention, this little drone on the White House lawn was a huge wake up call for the Secret Service, the military, police forces; that no one is safe as of Yesterday.

This is not some toy little airplane that landed into a neighbors yard. This was the White House lawn. It could have been a probing of the White House defenses of which there are none for low tech drones. Obviously.

NO ONE is SAFE outside. Property can also be firebombed. Crops can be sprayed with poison. Water supplies can be poisoned. Forest fires started. Cities burned down. And trying to catch the bad guys is just going to be impossible. What about highjacking prisoner transport. Let your mind consider the power of these drones. And consider in five years the big cities are going to look like they have a never ending drone presence delivering all kinds of things from beer and pizza to who knows what. It all comes down to payloads of the drones.

It seems that the day of the flesh and blood soldier is over and the drone wars have been launched.

Oh yes how does AI (Artificial Intelligence) come into play. AI that Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkins are so afraid of.

A watershed moment has taken place. And like a lot of watershed moments, initially no one really gets it. But I get it. People see and hear but just don't understand what has happened with one little toy drone on the White House lawn.

All all the would be presidential candidates for 2016 are all asleep because they do not have the brain pan to sound the alarm much less frame the problem.

Dr John WorldPeace

150127 0340 MT


Could drones be used against U.S.?

By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst

Updated 2110 GMT (0510 HKT) January 26, 2015

Story highlights

A drone crashed Monday on White House grounds

Peter Bergen: American fleet of drones a harbinger of an important trend

Editor's Note: Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a vice president at New America and professor of practice at Arizona State University. He is the co-editor of "Drone Wars: Transforming Conflict, Law, and Policy." This is an updated version of an article originally published in May 2014.

(CNN)—A small drone crashed onto the White House grounds on Monday. Described as a 2-foot-long quadcopter -- a drone with four propellers -- the event raises some troubling questions about the possibility that terrorists using armed drones could one day attack the White House or other tightly guarded U.S. government locations.

The White House incident occurred the same day a CIA drone strike was launched in Yemen, the first such strike in almost two months, following the Yemeni government being forced out of office last week. This indicates that the CIA drone program is still moving forward despite the instability in Yemen.

Not so long ago, launching a U.S. strike on the other side of the world with an armed drone would have been something from science fiction. Before 9/11, the United States had only a handful of experimental drones that had never been used to kill anyone. Today, there are at least 7,000 drones in the U.S. arsenal, more than 200 of which are armed drones that have killed thousands of people.

This large American fleet of drones is a harbinger of an important trend. Armed drones will likely prove as important to the future of warfare as tanks were during World War II. We can, of course, expect to see them used not only by the United States, but also by other countries such as China and Russia that are jumping into the production of armed drones. But we will also see them being used by terrorist groups. A harbinger of this was Hezbollah, the militant Shiite group based in Lebanon, that in September reportedly used drones to bomb a building in neighboring Syria used by the al Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front. The drone attack killed a number of militants.

Iran is the key sponsor for Hezbollah and has plausibly claimed for the past several years to have manufactured armed drones.

Hezbollah's use of drones marked a milestone for terrorist groups worldwide: It would be the first time a terrorist group used armed drones successfully to carry out an attack.

That said, it will likely be many years before other countries or terrorist groups are able to build up the capacity that the United States has to carry out lethal drone strikes. After all, the United States has had drone bases in countries such as Afghanistan, Djibouti and Saudi Arabia.

And it isn't as easy as some might think to arm a drone. Such weapons systems require specific electrical engineering: The wings must be reinforced for the aircraft to sustain the force of launching a missile; the drone must be equipped with fire control systems and built-in mounting brackets are needed to attach munitions to the vehicle.

Still, even with these inherent limitations, the drone industry thrives, and more companies and nations continue to jump on board the drone bandwagon. According to a count by New America, some 80 countries have some kind of drone capability, but few of them have succeeded in arming their drones.

The United States' aggressive and secretive drone campaign against al Qaeda and its affiliates in countries such as Yemen appears to be setting a powerful international precedent about the use of armed drones.

Despite this fact, there has been virtually no substantive public discussion about what an international legal framework governing such drone attacks should be among policymakers at the international level. It's long past due for that conversation to happen.

Perhaps a drone landing inside the White House perimeter will help precipitate a wider discussion about how we might prevent a future drone flying into the White House grounds, one that might actually be armed.

SOURCE: Fox News

Man claims responsibility for drone crash at White House, says was an accident

Published January 26, 2015

WASHINGTON – A man has claimed responsibility for the drone that crashed onto the White House grounds early Monday, an incident that triggered an immediate lockdown and a Secret Service investigation.

Secret Service spokeswoman Nicole B. Mainor said the individual contacted the agency Monday morning to "self-report" the incident. According to Mainor, "initial indications are that this incident occurred as a result of recreational use of the device."

A U.S. official told The Associated Press the man said he didn't mean to fly the drone over the White House; he is said to be cooperating with investigators. The New York Times reported he is a government employee, though he does not work for the White House.

"This investigation continues as the Secret Service conducts corroborative interviews, forensic examinations and reviews all other investigative leads," Mainor said, adding that the case will be presented to the U.S. attorney's office in D.C. for a decision on possible prosecution.

The development comes after the two-foot-long "quadcopter" drone crash-landed onto the grounds overnight. Brian Leary, a Secret Service spokesman, said that an officer posted on the south grounds of the White House complex "heard and observed" the device "flying at a very low altitude" shortly after 3 a.m. ET. Leary said the drone ultimately crashed on the southeast side of the complex.

Though the White House says the device posed no threat, it is the latest in a line of security incidents at the complex. And the breach was bound to reinvigorate a long-running public debate about the use of commercial drones in U.S. skies -- as well concerns about White House security. At the urging of the drone industry, the Obama administration is on the verge of proposing rules for drone operations that would replace an existing ban on most commercial flights.

"With the discovery of an unauthorized drone on the White House lawn, the eagle has crash-landed in Washington; there is no stronger sign that clear FAA guidelines for drones are needed," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement Monday afternoon.

The "device" was found while President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama were traveling in India. It was unclear whether their daughters, Sasha and Malia, were at home at the time of the incident with their grandmother, Marian Robinson, who also lives at the White House.

Many small quadcopters are essentially sophisticated toys that can also be used for commercial activities like aerial photography and inspection. Often weighing only a few pounds, they sell for as little as a few hundred dollars or less, and were popular Christmas gifts last year. More elaborate models sell for thousands.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, speaking in New Delhi, acknowledged a "device" was found. "The early indications are that it does not pose any sort of ongoing threat to anybody at the White House," he said.

Police, fire and other emergency vehicles swarmed around the White House in the predawn hours, with several clustered near the southeast entrance to the mansion. The White House was dark and the entire perimeter was on lockdown until around 5 a.m., when those who work in the complex were allowed inside.

After daylight, more than a dozen Secret Service officers fanned out in a search across the White House lawn as snow began to fall. They peered down in the grass and used flashlights to look through the large bushes that line the mansion's driveway.

Previous security breaches at the White House have led to questions about the Secret Service's effectiveness.

Four high-ranking executives were reassigned this month, and former director Julia Pierson was forced to resign last year after a Texas man armed with a knife was able to get over a White House fence in September and run deep into the executive mansion before being subdued.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.