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Benjamin Netanyahu’s blinkered view of American politics


Mr. Netanyahu has declared open war against the White House and the Democratic Representatives in the U S Senate and House of Representatives.

Mr. Netanyahu's arrogance and sense of being more than the leader of a postage stamp country is sadly laughable and on its way to being devastating to Israel.

President Obama is a man who is fully aware of who he is and he does not waste energy conversing with someone like Mr. Netanyahu regarding what President Obama is thinking.

Here is the reality, Israel is a very bad child of the US. They have created an apartheid state and are moving toward a theocracy in Israel probably very closely resembling the theocracy that exists in Iran. Unfortunately all with the protection and support of the United States.



1) Jews are not Christians. If the Orthodox Jews ever fully control Jerusalem it will become a sacred city and all their major religious sites are going to be off limits to Muslim and Christians as well. Both will be considered as too unclean to enter Jewish historical sites.

2) Rabble rousers like Millionaire Pastor John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas think that the words of the Book of Revelation regarding a new Jerusalem leading the world should have nothing to do with the day to day reality of democracy, justice and secularism in the world human society today.

3) We are seeing the last vestiges of burn out of religious fanatism trying to control the World Human Society. IS and the Taliban are trying to set up religious dynasties and who knows how the Sunni Shia civil war is going to resolve itself. With that as a backdrop we are seeing the increased pace of the Jews trying to set up their own theocracy - And mistakenly the thought that they will somehow dominate the most powerful nation in the world, the United States of America.

4) That domination would be a Jewish domination over Christianity. Yes not only Mr. Netanyahu manipulating and dominating American Politics but also a Jewish Orthodoxed Theocracy manipulating and dominating an America that is today a majority of Christians..

5) Americans have not fully awakened to the belief by the Jews that they really beleive they are THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. And that means chosen over Christians by God. This is an issue that John Hagee and other preachers like him have not addressed.

6) Futher, the underlying gigantic elephant in the room is that the Jews and Christians are both looking for a messiah. The core question is will Jesus return as a Jew or a Christian?.


But it is an issue that must be addressed to put Mr. Netanyahu's world power into perspective.

God had delivered unlimited power and blessings to the United States, not to Israel. That is the reality.

7) The real question on the table is whether America the most democratic and powerful nation in the world is going to be controlled and manipulated by an undemocratic apartheid state like Israel and is a Christian America going to subordinate itself to a Jewish Chosen People?

I think when these two questions are answered the arrogant manipulation of Mr. Netanyahu disrespecting the President of the United States and dismissing the Democrats in the American Political system make it very clear how Mr. Netanyahu needs to be dealt with.

And I believe that President Obama has prepared a very well defined plan as to how to put Israel in it place.

For me that plan would include a complete and immediate reversal by the United States on the Palestinian issue and the return of Israel to the 1967 lines no exceptions and Jerusalem becoming an international city under the control of the United Nations and the right of return given to all displaced Palestinians.

Mr. Netanyahu has no belief or even concept that President Obama is capable and prepared to manifest what for Israel would be a political apocalypse.

8) John Hagee needs to redefine his vision of the future with regards to Israel. My opinion is that John Hagee is prepared to deliver American Christians to a Jewish New World Order. John Hagee needs to make it clear that he does not envision a democratic Christian America blessed since its inception subordinated to a Israeli Theocracy.


9) When Mr Netanyahu comes to Washington, the democrats after being snubbed by Mr Netanyahu need to boycott his speech and the republicans needs to support the democrats boycott.

10) The Republicans are now in a position with Mr. Netanyahu's snub of the Democrats to take on the mantel of anti democratic Americans with republicans ruling not as an elected majority but as a gang of anti democratic Tea Party arch conservative radicals.

11) The Republicans have gone too far by inviting Mr. Netanyahu to speak and need to immediately withdraw that invitation or be prepared to become a party of anti democratic pariahs within America.

John Boehner and Benjamin Netanyahu need to both be retired from politics.

12) Lastly the Brits have been polled and found to place Israel just above Iran as an unliked nation. They hate Israelis more than Iranians. WOW. I doubt that Israel has been listening to the world. They have their Holocaust response to everything. They are deaf. And that arrogant deafness of Mr. Netanyahu is more of a threat to Israel than Iran will ever be.

Dr John WorldPeace

150225 2100 MT

SOURCE: Washington Post

Benjamin Netanyahu’s blinkered view of American politics

The Israeli prime minister thinks that he has to destroy the U.S.-Israeli bilateral relationship in order to save it.

By Daniel W. Drezner February 25 at 9:37 AM

Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel shows an illustration as he describes his concerns over Iran’s nuclear ambitions during an address to to the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in September 2012. Netanyahu will really need to up his PowerPoint game in his upcoming address to Congress. (AP File Photo/Richard Drew)

When I first wrote about Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress opposing a nuclear deal with Iran, I was mostly focusing on the domestic politics of President Obama’s trolling and the GOP’s counter-trolling.

In the five weeks since, the effect of the speech on the Israeli-American relationship has come into stark relief, and the effect could 0 best be described as “toxic.” U.S. officials have blasted Israeli officials for what they think are biased leaks to the press about the ongoing negotiations with Iran. National Security Adviser Susan Rice told Charlie Rose flat out that Netanyahu’s decision to speak is “destructive of the fabric of the relationship” between Israel and the United States. Now I don’t have a ton of experience in government, but I’m pretty sure that if you’re an Israeli foreign policy principal, those are not the words you want to hear coming out of a White House official’s mouth.

Well, at least Netanyahu has Congress to fall back on… except he seems to be doing his damnedest to alienate the Democratic members of Congress, as well, as Reuters reports:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined on Tuesday an invitation to meet with U.S. Senate Democrats during his trip to Washington next week.

“Though I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to meet with Democratic Senators, I believe that doing so at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit,” Netanyahu wrote in a letter to Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein obtained by Reuters.

Durbin and Feinstein, two senior Senate Democrats, invited Netanyahu to a closed-door meeting with Democratic senators in a letter on Monday, warning that making U.S.-Israeli relations a partisan political issue could have “lasting repercussions.”

Jeffrey Goldberg’s latest reporting in the Atlantic highlights even more flummoxing behavior from Netanyahu’s team:

The Netanyahu camp is worried about the political impact of its preemptive strike on Capitol Hill, I’m told. Netanyahu understands that he will be burning his remaining bridges to the White House by going up to the Hill next week. Israelis close to Netanyahu have been warning him that his decision to openly align with the Republican Party against a Democratic president is both unprecedented and deeply risky. In fact, Netanyahu’s own national security advisor, Yossi Cohen, told at least two people during his visit to Washington last week that he wished the speech were not taking place. According to people who have spoken with him, Cohen said that he is troubled by the timing of the speech —two weeks before the Israeli elections—and by the appearance that it is an attempt by Israel to insert itself directly into American partisan politics. Like most Israeli national security officials, he understands that the United States is Israel’s second-line of defense, and can’t quite believe that Netanyahu has so dramatically written off a president with almost two years left in office.

Netanyahu’s allies believe that the prime minister is correct to argue against the not-yet-finished deal (as its details are currently understood), because it could, over time, legitimize Iran’s nuclear ambitions. But they are upset by the manner in which the speech was arranged.

In essence, Netanyahu is proceeding as if Obama’s lame duck status as president renders him powerless to conduct foreign affairs. Which is pretty much insane.

The thing about most foreign policy decision-making is that a lot of it is irrevocable. In some cases it’s literally impossible: The United States can’t un-invade Iraq, for example. In other cases, the cumulative effects of certain choices renders a particular policy essentially locked in. The United States can’t really renegotiate NAFTA or dramatically curtail its economic opening to China, for example. Instances in which a future president legally reverses course on a prior president’s commitments — like, say, the George W. Bush administration’s reversals on the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court — inevitably trigger severe diplomatic blowback.

The fancy social science term for this is “path dependence.” And the key question to ask is whether a P5+1 agreement with Iran would have similar path dependent effects. Netanyahu seems to think that the answer is no.

This makes Netanyahu’s decision to deliver this speech all the more confusing. The marginal value-added of addressing Congress (as opposed to just AIPAC, which he was going to do anyway) is not that great (indeed, polling suggests a dead heat in the upcoming Israeli election). The speech is such an obvious effort by Netanyahu to bolster his domestic position that the head of Israel’s election commission has ruled that the speech will be broadcast on a five-minute delay to excise any blatant campaigning.

Benjamin Netanyahu is many things, but stupid is not one of them. Why is he pursuing the course of action he is pursuing despite the fretting of his national security team?

I think there are two possible answers. The first is that, for Netanyahu, this is a Hail Mary pass designed to somehow blunt any momentum toward a nascent deal with Iran. He thinks that the odds of a deal are so scary that he’s willing to destroy the bipartisan consensus behind the U.S.-Israel relationship in order to save it. It’s a very risky but plausibly rational gambit.

The second possibility is that path dependence has wreaked havoc on Netanyahu’s perceptions of the Obama administration. After six years of contretemps, the layers of mutual contempt between Netanyahu and Obama are so deep that the Israeli prime minister cannot reverse his course of action. He’s locked into a strictly zero-sum worldview when thinking about the relationship with the White House and his administration. And that worldview helps to exacerbate the tensions that he already believes to exist.

Either way, if Netanyau is reelected and if a P5+1 deal is reached — and these are both big ifs — the effects on the bilateral relationship over the next two years will be devastating.

SOURCE: Jewish Business News

Poll: The Brits Dislike Israel Worse Than Iran

A recent survey found that Israel is one of the most disliked countries in the world by the British people. The results come after a surge in anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom in 2014.

In a poll of 2,000 British people conducted by YouGov for the foreign policy think tank Chatham House, 35 percent answered Israel when asked, “Which of the following [countries] do you feel especially unfavorable toward?” Thirty-three percent of respondents chose Iran, and only North Korea and Russia garnering worse ratings than Israel.

The rating for Israel represents a steep deterioration from 2012, when only 17 percent of British respondents felt unfavorably about the Jewish state.

According to two surveys released last month by the U.K.-based Jewish group Campaign Against Antisemitism, nearly 60 percent of British Jews think they do not have a long-term future in Europe, while nearly half of British adults hold some type of anti-Semitic sentiment. During the Israel-Hamas war last summer, anti-Semitic incidents hit record levels in the U.K.