VIDEO: Who is Dr John WorldPeace?

Netanyahu is a very dangerous man.


Netanyahu is a very dangerous man because he is a right wing religious fanatic. He is more sophisticated and worldly that the leader of IS but he is coming from the same place. Iran and Israel are two peas in the same pod.

You can never forget that Netanyahu belives he is the leader of God's Chosen People. And as such, no matter what he does it has God's backing even if he starts a nuclear war in the Middle East by using Israel's undeclared nuclear warheads on Iran.

I am first and foremost an advocate for WorldPeace. There is no justice in Israel having undeclared nuclear weapons and making Iran out to be a pariah because it wants some too. Netanyahu comes to that argument as someone who defies international law and then tries to impose it on Iran.

Land was stolen from the Palestinians and given to the Isreali's by the UN in 1948. Then in 1967 the Isreali's stole more and keep stealing. Nothing less than all of Palestine devoid of any Muslims will be enough for Netanyahu. He is then 21st Century Joshua purging the land of Canaan of non Jews; no exceptions.

I think that Ariel Sharon was murdered by Israel by a lethal injection because he handed over Gaza. The same way another fanatic assassinated Itzak Rabin. There is no limit to what Israel is capable of with the blessing of God as his Chosen People.

Who knows what is going to happen in the wake of Netanyahu's speech. I think it is going to significantly backfire on Netanyahu and widen the gap between the US and Israel. The youth of today are not mired in religious manipulation. They are more secular and democratic in their orientation and the post WWII Christian fervor and evangelism is fading fast with only Pastor John Hagee stuck in that mindset.

The youth of America do not see Isreal as anything special. And certainly not on the level of America where there is real democracy and women's equality unlike the subordination of women that dominates Israel. The subordination of Muslims in Israel makes Israel's self declarations of being a democracy a real joke by American Standards.

If the United States and the world do not conform to the sanctions that Netanyahu wants against Iran, Netanyahu is capable of ordering a unilateral strike against Iran with nuclear weapons. There may be enough sane leaders in Israel to prevent this, but I doubt it. A martyr is a dangerous breed.

It won't take that many radical Israeli's to circumvent all the safe guards and strike Iran.

Sadly, is that in time Iran is going to have nuclear weapons. It cannot be stopped. All Israel would accomplish by attacking Iran is sending a clear message to the world that they are a rogue nation and must be brought into line.

If Israel strikes Iran, it will be the beginning of the end for Israel. It will be like the uprising in 70 AD against the Roman that led to the complete destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersal of the Jews.

Never forget that under all the nicey nice political protocols Netanyahu is a Jew and as a member of the Chosen People he is an exclusionary elitist with regards to all other religions. Even his greatest benefactor the Christians.

I think Mr. Netanyahu will do enough in Washington to put real fear in most Israeli's and they will return him to office. He will have all the headlines no matter what happens after his speech and that will give him the election if nothing else. If Netanyahu is re elected, I don't think we will be able to dismiss the threat of a nuclear strike on Iran by Israel until early 2016 if then.

The only person keeping Israel in line is President Obama. Netanyahu knows that President Obama has supreme power and a limit to what he will tolerate. One thing Obama will not tolerate is Israel drawing the United States into another war. If that happens, Israel will suffer a great loss as the United States disconnects. And with an American disconnect Israel will not be known as the Chosen People but as the Premier Pariah in the world..

Dr John WorldPeace

150302 0422 MT

SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post


02/28/2015 21:54

PM on eve of Washington trip says strength of US-Israeli relations will prevail over current disagreements.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to the Western Wall on Saturday night, just hours before flying to Washington on one of the most contentious visits there by an Israeli prime minister in recent memory.

With the Wall as his backdrop, Netanyahu said he wanted to visit Judaism’s holiest site before embarking on his trip Sunday morning to Washington, where his scheduled speech before Congress on Tuesday has placed him at loggerheads with the White House.

“I want to take this opportunity to say that I respect US President Barack Obama,” he stressed. “I believe in the strength of the relationship between Israel and the US and in their strength to overcome differences of opinion, those that have been and those that will yet be.”

Netanyahu reiterated his position that, as Israel’s prime minister, it is his obligation to worry about the country’s security, “and for that reason we strongly oppose the agreement being formulated between the world powers and Iran that could endanger Israel’s very existence.”

This is the first time since he became prime minister for the second time in 2009 that Netanyahu visited the Wall before embarking on a trip to the US. It came two days after a visit to his father’s grave in Jerusalem. His father, Netanyahu explained to the haredi radio station Kol Barama on Friday, always gave him advice at critical junctures in his life.

“He said to always look at the threats endangering our people,” Netanyahu said of his father, Benzion, a noted historian who died in 2012. “He said that one of the things that was lacking in Jewish history was seeing in real time what endangers our existence.”

The obligation incumbent on Israel’s leaders, Netanyahu said, is to identify the dangers in time and do everything they can to scuttle them.

“My responsibility is to worry not only about the State of Israel, but also the future of the Jewish people,” he said, “to stand up and raise our voice. Seventy, 80 years ago no one could raise their voice when there were plans to destroy us. Today there is, and it is my obligation.”

Netanyahu pointed to former prime ministers David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and Menachem Begin as leaders who took action they felt was necessary, even though it ran contrary to strongly stated US policies.

“When there is something that is connected to our very existence, what do they expect the prime minister to do, bow his head and accept something that is dangerous in order to have good relations?” he asked. “I think the relations are strong enough to overcome the disagreements, and that Iran with an atomic bomb is much more dangerous than one disagreement or another [with the US].”

Government officials said that, as is Netanyahu’s custom, work on the speech to Congress will continue until it is delivered at 11 a.m. Tuesday morning. The officials said that Netanyahu genuinely believes this is an historic moment, and that in the best case scenario the speech could compel “policy makers to rethink concessions that they are willing to make to the Iranians.”

Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive in Washington Sunday afternoon and deliver a speech to AIPAC’s annual policy conference Monday morning that will focus on the strength of the US-Israel relationship. He is to have lunch with a bipartisan group of congressional leaders on Tuesday afternoon after delivering his address to Congress, and then fly back to Israel, arriving a few hours before the onset of Purim.

The prime minister noted the timing, saying that just as Jews on Purim remember the attempt in Persia in antiquity to destroy the Jews, “it is the same Persia with a regime that is waving the banner of destroying the state of the Jews. The means by which they intend on implementing this threat is with many atomic bombs.”

Netanyahu will be accompanied to Washington by Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, who was in Jerusalem last week helping him prepare for the trip with his top advisers and his wife, Sara.